Covid-19 Health Safety Protocol
Covid-19 Health Safety Protocol
In TeoToursMx we have adapted to guarantee your well-being and that of everyone by reactivating our experiences.
New security measures with protocols in:
- Transportation
- Logistics and Coordination
- Lodging
- Service Providers
- Group reduction
Maximum of 10 guests maintaining a healthy distance and maintaining our hygiene and sanitation measures.
- No price increase
Contributing to the reactivation of the tourism sector and with the commitment that we have always shown towards our guests, these measures do not imply an increase in the price of our services or experiences.
- Transport sanitation
Making use of sanitizing liquid, disinfectant mat, cleaning of multiple contact areas (before, during and after the trip).
- Health Status Monitoring of our guests
Taking the temperature, filling out and delivering the official document "Risk Factors Questionnaire", full identification of COVID-19 hospitals in each destination.
- Contact with service providers
We inform ourselves and follow the particular measures of each site working hand in hand with each of the providers, complementing both guidelines of action.
Terms applicable to COVID-19
Lista de Términos
1.- Each guest will be asked to take responsibility for their individual protective equipment such as face masks and masks, which are not included in the price of the experience or reserved service and will be mandatory on board the unit.
2.- The temperature of all guests will be taken at the starting point before boarding the unit. In case of presenting a temperature higher than 37 ° C, we reserve the right to restrict your access to the unit, as well as your attendance at the experience or any reserved service without the possibility of refunding your money. If you present symptoms days before the departure of the trip, it is better that you let us know and do not show up. There is the possibility that a client on the waiting list will take your place and not lose your money or failing that you can assign your trip to another person you trust.
3.- At each stop, before boarding the unit again, attendees will be provided with antibacterial gel and sanitizer will be placed on the sole of the footwear using a spray bottle, without exception.
4.- We only have double rooms at POSADA LA DULCE VILLA with the aim of reducing the number of people in a small space.
5.- The units will have restricted seats, respecting the healthy distance between seats, so our groups will be smaller (12 people maximum, including the driver, guide and guests). Additionally, the units will be constantly sanitized, keeping our hygiene and sanitation measures.
6.- We follow the healthy distance measures requested by each site we visit.
7.- If the guide detects that a site violates the healthy distance rule and we consider it a risk to go or stay somewhere, we reserve the right to modify the itinerary to preserve your safety.
8.- TeoToursMx no se hará responsable por cierres en el destino o decisiones tomadas por los prestadores de servicios y/o autoridades locales sin previo aviso.
9.- Será responsabilidad del huésped hacer entrega del Cuestionario de Identificación de Factores de Riesgo y la Carta de no Responsiva solicitado debidamente llenado y firmado, así mismo deberá presentar una identificación oficial para el cotejo de la firma, en caso de no presentar dicha identificación no se podrá permitir el acceso a la unidad.
(The Risk Factors Identification Questionnaire and the Non-Responsive Letter will be delivered to the guest before boarding the unit)
10.- Es posible que haya una modificación de horarios, en donde la cita de encuentro sea con 30 minutos de anticipación a la hora de partida, debido al tiempo que se utilizara para el proceso de sanitización, desinfección, toma de temperatura y le llenado del Cuestionario de Identificación de Factores de Riesgo y la Carta de no Responsiva. (se acordarán con el huésped los horarios).
11.- TeoToursMx y ningún colaborador se hará responsable por contagios posteriores a la realización del viaje, actividades o experiencias.
12.- In case of presenting symptoms related to COVID-19 at the destination, the inherent expenses for its treatment will be borne by the guest.
13.- The guest agrees to comply with the stipulated hygiene protocol and if not, he will be referred to the corresponding authorities, due to Danger of Contagion according to article 159 of the Penal Code for the Federal District.
Fecha de ultima modificación: 5 de marzo del 2020
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